Nyami (Page 3)

Something interesting for sure...

Mics, Camera, Action!

At the end of last year we ran a successful funding campaign at Aberdeen Developers .NET User Group to purchase some gear to allow us to record some of our sessions. We had a good idea of what we were wanting to achieve, essentially, we wanted to be able to publish recordings of our sessions and we weren’t wanting to spend hours processing the content after the recording. With a couple of events successfully in the bag I thought it might be worth sharing our setup, so here it is...


Custom HTTP Verb

There are server reasons you might look to implement a custom HTTP Verb in you ASP.NET application, and thankfully with ASP.NET Core it’s incredibly simple.


Blog 2.0

I think I have more blog post about setting up blogs than I have on anything else, and its been a while since the last one so I thought it about time for another one. I like the concept of static generation for blogs and first incarnations used Octopress, a blogging framework based on Jekyll, but the workflow and content produced wasn’t really working for me so it was time for a change.