Nyami (Page 2)

Something interesting for sure...

VueJs and ASP.NET Core - Part 3

In parts 1 and 2 we looked at the experience of creating a new Angular app and some of the differences compared to what's required for Vue. We then went on to create middleware to add support for running the Vue CLI within our ASP.NET application, and then a new project enabling us to successfully run the Vue CLI in development and have the ability to package everything together when publishing our app. In this final part we are going to create a new project template allowing us a quick start for future projects.


VueJs and ASP.NET Core - Part 2

In Part 1 we looked at the Angular project template with ASP.NET Core and its pretty much what we want to achieve for VueJs. In this part we'll dig a little deeper into Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices, specifically Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.AngularCli and look to take inspiration for our Vue solution.


VueJs and ASP.NET Core - Part 1

Whilst it’s relatively easy to find and follow a guide to get up and running with Vue and ASP.NET Core, you’ll probably find there are a number techniques, methods, and opinions and there isn’t really the ‘first class’ support and 'simple' method of getting started as there is with Angular. In the following series of posts we’ll take a look at repurposing and using some of Microsoft’s SpaServices to create better support for Vue.js within your new ASP.NET Core project.