
Simple ping Middleware

If you find yourself needing to create a simple ping endpoint often used by load balancers as a quick check to see if traffic can be directed to your site, rather than complicating the simple and creating an MVC controller etc consider simple middleware.


Creating a Self-Signed Certificate for Identity Provider

I’d recently had to create a self-signed certificate for use in IdentityProvider4 and was coming up against problems when using the default options with New-SelfSignedCertificate PS module.

Identity Server was throwing "CryptographicException: Invalid provider type specified" and I had ensured the user account had access so it should have been all good. After a little bit of digging it turned out the private keys were not accessible from .NET. David Christiansen’s blog post helped me track down the issue but with a little more research I ended up with the following PowerShell to create a working certificate avoiding additional steps I didnt understand ;).